Saturday, August 22, 2009

shoulda, woulda

I realize that I should have been blogging my progress when I started working out a month ago. I have made some decent leaps and bounds with my health, mostly based on my ability to run and do push ups (considering that's what I get to do a lot of in BCT). Overall, I feel better, and I've lost a bit of flab. Really, right now, my goal is to get in to a good position to survive basic, and maybe push myself to get the APFT badge (which is going to be a big push from here).

68 push ups in 2 minutes, 73 sit ups in 2 minutes, and a 2 mile run in 14:12 are the minimums to get the badge. I'm on a good track to hit the push up goal, I'm almost at the sit up number now so that should be fine, but the run... ugh. It took me a couple weeks of running before I could get under 20 minutes on the 2 mile, which is really bad. Today I ran a 1 mile, to see where I was, and I got 9:18 but I know I can do better. I thought I was supposed to be at 17:00 for 2 miles to graduate basic, but I just saw 17:54 and I think I saw a different number when I looked at a chart based on age, so I have no idea where I need to be. I just know I need to do better. If I can hit a 7 minute mile before I ship, I will be happy.

I have been up in the air on my weight. I am about 10+ pounds below the max after a month of working out. I haven't changed my diet much, I am eating fairly healthy but since my activity level increased, my food intake increased. So, I haven't lost much overall weight during this whole process, but I know I have lost fat and put on muscle. Recently I have been trying to decide weather I should try to set myself a weight goal, to loose a bit more, or not worry about it and just focus on muscle building.

Oh well, I have a few months. I think I have a good routine going, I'll just keep going and see what happens.

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