Sunday, August 17, 2008


Thursday I decided not to workout, partially because I didn't have a bunch of spare time, so that made it convenient to take a day of rest. Friday I was stuck at my parents house when it was 100 outside, and I didn't go home because my truck has no AC, I don't want to subject my kid to that. Saturday I hit 1000 spear thrusts in a day, and tried a recipe for a drink to keep my muscles from being too sore. Today, I feel tons better than I did on Tuesday. I need to perfect the drink recipe, but it works.
I'm thinking leg work and 250+ with the spear, maybe a little sword work on the pell. Practice tomorrow night, so I don't want to go too crazy.
Must find time to work on garb and gauntlets.


mielikki said...

you should post that recipe, once you've fine tuned it...

Marcus said...

About 1/2 cup of honey is dissolved in to about 2 cups of hot water (I'll use more exact measurements next time). I threw that mix over some ice to cool it and added about 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar. That mix is in the fridge, I put about 1/4 to 1/3 of a cup in to a glass with some ice, then fill the rest with water. Stir and drink.

It needs more honey, I don't like the taste of vinegar. Surprisingly enough, it made my body cool rather quickly, and I felt good enough to workout some more after drinking it.

I may blog about it, the forum posts where I heard about it, and the historic recipes it comes from.

mielikki said...

ooh that sounds really good. I think that I will make some of that...