Thursday, January 31, 2008
Fit February, and then some...
What is this step I am taking starting first thing in the morning you ask? For the month of February, I am giving up all alcohol. **GASP!** Yes, that is correct, no beer, no honey wine, no whiskey. Things which I partake in far too often. Tonight I am fighting at a small tournament called Crapaud (VIVA LA CRAPAUD!) and will toast with the other fighters, as is tradition at Crapaud, then I will be done for the next 29 days. **Edited to add, that since next month's Crapaud is on the 28th I will go to the next toast, instead of going one extra day.**
I have been reading Geoffroi DeCharny's A Knight's Own Book Of Chivalry recently and came across a section that I have let take hold in my heart as part of my training as a fighter. Deeds of arms are serious business, and to take it seriously I have to live parts of it, not just fight one night a week. Yeah, I am getting in to this whole 14th century thing a bit, but the romantic values of chivalry are good guidelines to live by, no? If I can become a better man, I may be able to teach my son to be a better man.
"In addition, the above mentioned good men-at-arms teach that those who want to achieve this honor should not set their mind on pleasures of the palate, neither on very good wine nor on delicious food, for these delights are very out of place at a time when they are not to be had nor to be found at will, as is usually the case for those who want to seek such honor; and desire for such things makes it more difficult for them to endure, and their hearts and bodies find it less easy to bear the lean fare in food and drink which the quest for such honor requires. A man will be reluctant to risk death who has not learned this, and also a man is reluctant to abstain from such pleasures of eating and drinking who has become accustomed to them."
-Geoffroi DeCharny, A Knight's Own Book Of Chivalry
section 19, lines 43-53
So, cheers this evening, and I will see you on the other side of the month!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
STFU and Fight
We had 5 fighters, a decent turn out for here. All in all it was an ok practice, I guess. The Samurai Newb was fighting a cold, and I was fighting my armor. So there was a lot of fighting going on. I know this is kind of a journal type deal, but since it's public, I feel like I'm whining... Too much didn't feel right. I had a previous worry about a vulnerable spot on my hand, and it got hit (not hard, but hard enough). That didn't make it any better when I finally came to the conclusion that my neck wasn't safe either. So, I stopped early, erring on the side of safety. I know it was a smart decision, but I still feel like I cheated myself. This kind of leads in to my next thought.
I want to do more than 1 practice a week. This is a good thing, right? Yeah, playing more is a good thing on many levels. I think that might be pushing things a bit at this point though. I just don't have a ton of time to spare right now, so trying to make concessions for two practices a week just might be too much. I almost feel defeated, held back somehow, but really I may just want too much all at once.
My hand hurts, I think I'm going to try to get some more sleep.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Missing Deadlines
Well, thats not true, I do have pants, but they are the complete opposite of what would be period for me. I could have gone in my generic setup (some of which doesn't fit me anymore) but that would be contrary to what I want to do this time around. It is important to me to look the part. I got a recommendation for using some leftover material I have, but the piece that was in question is about 50 years off from my persona. That would be like wearing a disco outfit to a sports bar today.
I guess I am really just rolling this all around in my mind. Should I have gone anyway, just to be there? Am I setting my goals incorrectly? I want to play, but I want to do it with a greater sense of accuracy than I had years ago. Maybe I just need to relax, work on stuff as I can, and make the events as I can.
There was a possibility that I would have been part of the Princesses Guard, in which case I would have had to be there. But since I'm not doing that, I realize that its better this way. Instead of going to events out of obligation to my position, now I am going to events to be a geek with my other geek friends. That is what this year is about. Regardless of the small details that I am missing out of my kit, I will still make an effort to have fun with my friends. So far, it looks like we might have four fighters going to events together. That is damn near our own fighting unit.
Thus ends this stream of consciousness ramble post...
Thursday, January 24, 2008
In other news, I got my greaves done and my surcoat started. Also, we made the beginning progress on Mrs. Pale's overdress, and the under dress will probably be done this weekend. So, within a week or two, my lovely lady will have her garb (circa 1325-1350). It's funny how the little details that seem so trivial tend to make so much difference in our gear. I think I still look like a schmo (despite people telling me it looks good before it's done) but it's coming together nicely. The friend of mine who has a hand full of pics needs a nickname for reference... I think I will call him, The ADD Viking... He is supposed to be fighting as well, but his leg armor has been troublesome recently (the past 2 years). That should change soon.
2 beers, and a lack of sleep and I begin to ramble... I guess I should stop before it gets worse...
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Heraldry Again

Any thoughts on this? I think I'm almost partial to the tree over the acorn. The tree being more symbolic of my family, instead of the symbol suggesting my son (and mildly suggesting phallus apparently). Keep in mind that the tree will look a lot better in reality, this one is only a representation of the general shape.
Monday Night Review
So, another night with only three of us on the field. Not a big deal, with the rain I'm sure some people just weren't up for it. It was nice to finally hit Samurai newb full force, and let him see what being in armor is like. It wasn't a hardcore night, but we did some good fighting. Apart from beating the newb, I got to use my pole hammer for a bit (its going to take some getting used to), and I worked with one of my friends out of armor (i.e. he hit me while I worked on my defense).
I tried to focus on the basics, getting my form correct so that I didn't hit flat as much. It felt good. I need to remember that I am still at the beginning, and that at practice I'm playing to learn, not to win. Combos and trick shots are going to be on the wayside for a while. Well, on the wayside for next practice, but next thursday is Crapaud... it's on then.
I've got the new padding in my helm, it feels good, but I won't be sure till next week. And dammit, I need to remember to fix the buckle on my knee. A new gorget is in order since I have new foam now. Hopefully the greaves and shield basket will be here this week so I can get them strapped up by next practice. Bleh, and the surcoat still isn't finished. Project night is tonight, but I'm taking the wife's material for her outer dress, I don't think taking more than one project piece is a good idea...
Pictures later...
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
In the process...

This is my kit so far. I need a surcoat still, I have the material so I'm just slacking. The shield is temporary as well, my new one is in the works, 2" wider, curved and 2" shorter (not to mention the paint job I have in mind). I also don't like how the mail looks curved on the top section, makes my posture look wrong. Its not.
And don't even ask to see below my knees. You don't need to see my bare shins, it will be done soon...
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Fighter Practice Reflections
It was nice hitting my physical limit, I know its going to happen more at the beginning, but at least I know that I'm pushing myself so that I get better. Sweat a bunch, get winded but keep going, arms tired from blocking that damn snap, throw a kill shot or get killed. Good times. Good times.
I need to work on WAY too much to list. Really it comes down to the basics though, shield work, watch for openings, commit to throwing a good shot. I'm thinking too much really, but I think I can't really avoid that. I don't have enough muscle memory to "no mind" and go with the flow. Back to basics I guess, throw out the complex combos and trick shots, and just commit to throwing a solid, good shot.
The three out of armor that were there, I made them come cause I told them they could hit me if they showed up. It's motivation for the new guys that are not in armor. It gets them pumped if they can at least swing a sword, and throw a good shot. I can't wait till I can hit them back lol. Hopefully the pic from last week will be in my in box tomorrow, it was sent to a way old email account of mine that had been inactive for so long. Had to reactivate it, but nothing in the inbox. I even had a camera tonight but ran out of time to snap a pic. Maybe tomorrow, I should be working on the Samurai Newb's gear. So I could have him take one, even though my kit is really unfinished...
Monday, January 14, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008

The first one is the one I am leaning towards. Keep in mind that some of the images will not be exactly the same on my shield. Specifically the oak tree. The heraldic "bear rampant" is almost the exact style I am going to use.

I think I'm done working with the divisions and charges. Hopefully I won't have to add any more to the list.
First Practice of the New Year
originally posted tuesday, Jan 8th 2008
First practice of the New Year, and I was in full swing. My armor is only about 85% done or so, but the important parts are finished. It was nice getting out there and taking a few shots, the Vinhold crew got to use me as a mobile pell lol.
I felt clunky though, and I think I should have. After not being in armor for 5 years, its like I am starting over. Well, kind of. It's not starting over because I know how to throw a decent shot. I think I might have even surprised one or two of the guys with a decent hit. More than starting over, I think I just have to remind my body what it was like to move like this. Flat shots (not too many), crappy form, thinking too much about what I am trying to do... these are the things that held me back.
It was really nice to go all out so that I can feel out my armor. I am happy to find that there are only a couple small things that I need to fix before next practice. Adjust the padding in my helm, move my right spaulder up a link on my hauberk, re-tape the top part of my hilt to the stick (so it doesn't pop off in the middle of a fight *cough*). I need to replace my gorget, finish my greaves, and get some gauntlets. As far as the look, the rest of the soft parts of the kit, I need my surcoat, braes, and coif. Also, it would be really nice to finish my new shield, but I need to figure out what I am doing for a hand guard on that before I can move to the next step.
All in all, it was a good night. We went till 10, but I could have gone longer. I think I'm so stoked to be out there right now that I could fight for a full day before I really need a break. Or it could have been the monster I drank right before I got there...
'gotta get the pic from the iPhone to post...
I think I will try to make blogging after each fighting event a regular thing. Documenting my progress should be nice to look back and see how much I have improved mentally. I am a bit sore; I think I need a run and a shower...
Adventures in blogdom...
So, I've made a personal commitment to blog about each fighter practice I go to, which is every monday. I think I'll include my weekend trips to fighting events as well. Mostly its for myself, I want to keep an eye on my improvement, and hopefully blogging will help my discipline as well as remind me why I am doing what I am doing.
What am I doing? Pretending to be a man at arms from the early 14th century, ya? Well, yes. But there is more to it than that. Part of the reason I bring up the fact that I am a new dad, and a stay at home dad is the fact that in this hobby of SCA heavy combat, I am trying to see myself as a role model for my son. With the prowess and renown I achieve just by fighting in armor, I am also committed to emulate the values of chivalry. I want to bring what I learn from the game I play in to my life at home, to become a better person, and a better father. Not to mention my opinions of the lack of basic values that many of the younger generations (including mine) lack. That, however, is a blog for another time...
So, here it is. I will cross post my first fighting blog (since I fought last monday) from MySpace.
Hopefully I will have the pic from last practice soon, gotta call that fugger...