I've been working on my heraldry for the SCA, so that I can have a registered device to display on my shield. I've got it narrowed down pretty good, but I'm gonna post a couple of them to look at and decide which one I like best. Voting is allowed (for the one person who will look at them).
The first one is the one I am leaning towards. Keep in mind that some of the images will not be exactly the same on my shield. Specifically the oak tree. The heraldic "bear rampant" is almost the exact style I am going to use.

The second one I was looking for a balanced way to add the acorn. The acorn being representative of my son. If I went with the acorn it would most likely have oak leaves with it.

This one I like but the bear would be bigger.

This is my first attempt with voiding (black on black etc.). I like it but its missing something. This is the first step that led to the top one.

Just basic colors and pale bears...
I think I'm done working with the divisions and charges. Hopefully I won't have to add any more to the list.
I can vote now?
I like the second one. The pale pears show up best over the black and green. On the white the bear gets lost even with outline... there is not enough to hold your eye comfortably. I think it is very well balanced as well and I love the idea of the acorn... ad the oak leaves and it will be a great design.
I'm not judgey at all.
You're right about the white on white. I mostly did that design because I like the voided black bear. The negative image looks cool to me, but then, thats the 'ol photographer in me speaking...
I'm gonna have to look for an acorn with the leaves to see how it looks, and maybe make the green a little richer color.
you don't know me, but I am voting on your shield! I'm CamiKaos' cousin, she sent me here.
Anyhow, I like the second one, esp. the acorn. . .
Thanks for visiting =)
Whats funny is that I was just working on another one. A little more basic, but I think I'll spend a little time to make the one with the acorn look a little better.
to arms! ;p
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