Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Case of the Mondays

Not really. That title was just all I could come up with. It was a basic night, three of us in armor, one new guy (very first time), and a handful of bystanders. The newbs run the practice! Anyway, things went decently, that is, until my elbow decided to crap out on me. No worries though, I was able to do some left handed work for once, that was kinda fun. I think next time I want to stress focus on the basics, slowing down and just throwing a good shot. I think we (as newbs) tend to incorporate just a bit of mayhem in to our style, and it might be causing some small injuries. Well, I hate to call them injuries, rather they are "bites" I guess.
Ah well, I pushed myself, I had fun, and there was some workout type stuff going on. All in all a good night, except now I'm up waiting for the advil to kick in so I can get some sleep...


mielikki said...

a little bit of mayhem is always a good thing. And the bites, they show where things need to be reinforced. Hope the advil kicked in.

CamiKaos said...

hope you got some good sleep.